MobilityAnalyst: A Dutch Tool for a Smarter Commuting 13 October 2023 The Dutch Cycling Embassy (DCE) had the pleasure of interviewing Rein Aarts fromĀ Breikers (Network...
MobilityLabel obtained ISO 27001 certification 9 August 2023 MobilityLabel is proud to announce that it has achieved ISO 27001 certification for its...
new release, new UX 7 June 2022 A new release of MobilityAnalyst went live this week! Mobility scans have never been...
news: MobilityAnalyst available in English 4 January 2020 From now on, the online interactive mobility scans of MobilityLabel are also available in...
Lean & Green Award for MobilityLabel 30 November 2016 Today, MobilityLabel received the Lean & Receive Green Award. Lean andĀ Green is a corporate...
launch of MobilityAnalyst, tool for mobility policy simulation 3 October 2016 MobilityLabel introduces MobilityAnalyst. This system provides immediate insight into the consequences of new mobility...
Press release Roudle launch 20 April 2015 New appointment service Roudle helps save travel time and costs and reduces CO2 emissions....